Triumph Together has Pokemon Go players planning team switches

The Pokemon Go player base is never shy about sharing their concerns with upcoming events, and the latest Shared Skies announcement has raised a few eyebrows in the community.
Triumph Together is an upcoming event that’ll task Pokemon Go players with working together to complete Global Challenges. There is a Global Challenge themed around each team, but the tasks and rewards will be available to all players.
While some players were excited about the August 23-30 event, it sparked a “grass is greener” debate for others. Some players, particularly those from Instinct and Valor, felt as if their team had been given the worst Global Challenge and reward overall.
Popping up in a community discussion, the feelings about this upcoming event were incredibly mixed – especially when it came to the themed costume Pokemon and Paid Timed Research Ticket.
Some viewers were incredibly excited about the costume Pokemon for Triumph Together, with one exclaiming, “Oh hell yeah! I accidentally deleted my Elekid and I’ve been salty about it ever since.”
Others weren’t sold on the themed event Pokemon, though. Some players shared their disappointments about the costumed Pokemon not being “farmable”, while others poked fun at the ‘mons being “behind a paywall.”
One frustrated player pointed out the lack of wild spawns, lamenting, “I have been playing since day 1 but if they continue this trend of events without wild spawns I may actually quit. Can someone please remind Niantic that catching wild Pokemon is the main mechanic of the game?”
Another complained, “Valor global reward is junk compared to the others.” Team Valor players seemed particularly annoyed in this thread, with one member declaring, “I feel like Pokemon Go doesn’t like team Valor lmao.”
Instinct members had their fair share of concerns, too. One noted, “Team Instinct got screwed on this one,” while another stated that Instinct had been “F’d over” and that they wouldn’t be buying any more Incubators from the store.
Aside from a player vouching to switch from Mystic to Valor, the complaints about the event seemed to predominantly come from Spark and Candela’s teams, either based on the featured costume Pokemon or the rewards for each team’s Global Challenge.
If you’re planning to check out the event when it goes live on August 23, make sure to check out our full event hub so you know what to expect. There’s plenty to get excited about as a Pokemon Go player this year, especially with the recent confirmation of the Dynamax mechanic.