Warzone players discover simple trick to get loadout weapons faster

Instead of waiting for a loadout drop, CoD content creator IceManIsaac discovered a way to get loadout weapons quickly at the start of a Warzone match.
In Season 3, Raven Software introduced a Squad Assemble bonus that rewards players for landing near their teammates at the beginning of a game. Each squad member receives XP if any teammates ping the location where you land before the first teammate touches the ground.
In addition, if everyone lands together, you get a Supply UAV, which can highlight supply boxes through walls. This includes favorite supply boxes that reward your primary and secondary loadout weapons.
Finding the red crate at the start of the match gives you a leg up on the rest of the competition, as enemies will likely only have ground loot weapons.
Squad bonuses only apply in duos, trios, and squads, but IceManIsaac also revealed a way for solo fans to take advantage of this trick.
All buy stations sell Supply UAVs for $2,000. So, instead of spending $7,500 on a loadout drop, or waiting for all the way until the first circle closes for the first free loadout, IceManIsaac recommends purchasing a Supply UAV early and using it locate a favorite supply box.
Pulling off this trick is simpler at hot drop locations because it’s easier to make money faster from the overabundance of chests.
However, while favorite supply boxes are great, they only hand out primary and secondary weapons. To get perks, you will either have to loot them, take them off a downed enemy, or get your own from a loadout drop.
If you want to change which primary and secondary weapons come from a favorite supply box, go into the loadout customization screen and make your preferred weapon combo your favorite.
Check out our guide on the best loadouts in Season 5 for a better idea of which weapons to favorite.