Overwatch 2 players frustrated by the convoluted Competitive Points system

Competitive Points are one of many currencies available for players to collect in Overwatch 2, but fans aren’t pleased with the way they work.
In Overwatch 2, Competitive Points are used to unlock weapon variants and are earned by playing Competitive matches. Back in Season 9, the developers introduced the idea of Legacy Competitive Points, which is what Comp Points would turn into after a Competitive season is completed.
While they were previously both able to be used to purchase weapon variants, Season 10 of Overwatch 2 changed this so that new weapon variants were only purchasable using Comp Points.
Now, many players are saying that they don’t enjoy the Comp Point system in the slightest. After saving up, one fan complained about losing around 2,000 points which became Legacy Points.
Unfortunately, the points would’ve been enough to purchase a Jade weapon, but not once the Competitive season ended. The Legacy Points are only good now for buying weapon variants from previous seasons.
The majority of the replies sided with the player not liking the divided points system. One response gave their own point count to compare: “It’s extra frustrating. I have 1.4K old 1.6 new.”
Not only were fans annoyed at the change itself, but the idea of these confusing currencies was enough to deter this one fan from playing: “Way too many currencies. And now my rewards are locked away. It makes me want to not play.”
Getting to the amount of Comp Points required has been a hassle for players too. “Only getting +10 instead of +25 for a win and no bonus end of season points is really, really lame,” one reply explained.
On the other hand, some commenters defended Blizzard’s decision to change how Competitive Points work, with one saying “they added the new currency system so old players couldn’t buy green weapons in the first few weeks of the new year.”
Another player called the post an “Insane thread” and “aimless ragebait nonsense” while also explaining why Blizzard divided the points like the previous reply.
The Legacy and Comp Points system weren’t the only things fans complained about this season. Players have already labelled the new hero Juno as “useless,” and Sombra’s buffs as “unfun.”