Pokemon Go Triumph Together Premium Timed Research ticket: Tasks and rewards

As we head towards the end of the Pokemon Go Shared Skies season, Niantic is offering up a smattering of events to send the last few months off with a bang. The latest celebration is called the Pokemon Go Triumph Together event, and it brings its own Premium Timed Research.
In terms of theming, the clue is in the name, as Triumph Together is all about the separate teams of Pokemon Go – Valor, Mystic, and Instinct – and it is pushing players around the globe to complete tasks and unlock rewards for everyone.
So, if you’re looking forward to taking part in this event, and want to learn all about the Triumph Together Premium Timed Research ticket, then we’ve got everything you need right here:
Pokemon Go Triumph Together Premium Timed Research tasks and rewards

All of the details surrounding the Triumph Together Premium Timed Research ticket are slowly starting to trickle out, so we will update this guide as any more information drops.
For now, with thanks to Serebii for the information, the tasks and rewards for this Premium Timed Research are as follows:
Step 1 of 1
- Power Up Pokemon x10 – Rocket Radar x1
- Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket members – Ponyta encounter
- Explore 3 km – Egg Incubator x1
- Hatch an Egg – Super Incubator x1
- Hatch 3 Eggs – Elekid encounter
- Spin 20 PokeStops or Gyms – Incense x1
- Complete 5 Field Research Tasks – Lure Module x1
- Complete 10 Field Research Tasks – Lapras encounter
Rewards: 10,000 XP, 5,000 Stardust, and Premium Battle Pass x2
How to participate in the Pokemon Go Triumph Together Premium Timed Research

Trainers who want to take part in the Pokemon Go Triumph Together Premium Timed Research must buy a ticket from the Go Shop. It is not available to buy through Poke Coins; instead, players must pay $4.99 or equivalent local pricing to unlock this specific ticket with these tasks and rewards.
The Triumph Together ticket is available to buy from the Pokemon Go web store. All tasks must be completed, and rewards claimed before the event ends.
That’s just about everything we know concerning the Pokemon Go Triumph Together Premium Timed Research ticket, but if you want to know even more about current and upcoming events, check out our guides covering Community Day, the Better Together event, and the current Raid bosses.