The 50 most iconic video game weapons

From brutally effective guns to swords so sharp they slice atoms, this is Dexerto’s list of the most iconic video game weapons ever.
The importance of weapons in video games cannot be understated. Most games these days let you wield some form of tool for taking down enemies. You could be a demi-god chopping down enemies in your favorite RPG, a futuristic soldier gunning down rabid alien foes, or even a Pokemon trainer catching unsuspecting monsters. It’s these ‘weapons’ that let you interact with the world.
Some of these items have become so legendary that it’s fair to describe them as iconic. Of course, with the seemingly endless amount of game releases these days, and the literal arsenal of deadly digital weapons available to gamers, it’s easy to forget which are the best of the best.
Well, as it’s Gamescom, we’ve decided to build an electronic museum to these famed tools of destruction (Yes, we know that not all the items on this list kill, but “famed tools of destruction sometimes” sounds lame).
To do so, we’ve gone through some of the best games ever made, from classic platformers to first-person shooters and even fighting games, to bring you a definitive list of the coolest weapons in gaming history. Warning, some of the items on display are dangerous…
50. Mozambique (Apex Legends/Titanfall)

What is it? Most of the weapons on this list are here because of their strength or significance to the game they’re in. For Apex Legends, the Mozambique is worth talking about because of how irredeemably terrible it is.
Why we like it: Every Battle Royale has a couple weapons you avoid like the plague. There are few feelings like dropping in, being surrounded by the worst weapons possible, and picking the lesser evil.
Even in those scenarios, the Mozambique usually gets left on the ground in favor of other options. At times, even bare-knuckle brawling is favorable.
The Mozambique truly holds a special place in my heart for being so legendarily ass. Even after several buffs, the most recent of which will let players wield these akimbo, this gun flat-out sucks.
A weapon that is consistently this terrible is hard not to love, especially when you get a kill with it once in a blue moon.
Words by Carver Fisher
49. Lara Croft’s Dual Pistols (Tomb Raider)

What is it? Lara Croft has wielded her signature Dual Pistols in most Tomb Raider titles since the first entry launched in 1996.
Why we like it: As Lara’s default weapons across several games, the twin handguns typically function as a convenience above all else since they’re not very powerful. Still, the weapons left their mark in earlier installments because of Tomb Raider’s then-innovative aiming mechanics, which were advantageous against larger enemies like the T-Rex.
The Dual Pistols even feature unlimited ammo in Chronicles and Anniversary, yet they’ve become a novelty over the years, relegated to a neat Easter egg at the end of Tomb Raider (2013) but receiving no mention in either of its sequels. For now, they represent little more than an iconic symbol of the adventurer’s roots.
Words by Brianna Reeves
48. Super Shotgun (Doom)

What is it? The Super Shotgun, first introduced in Doom II, is a double-barrel shotgun that packs a punch and pushes enemies back with a single shot.
Why we like it: Doom has a vast arsenal of iconic weapons, ranging from BFG to Chainsaw. The Super Shotgun stands tall amongst these weapons, with the demons literally calling the weapon Lucifer’s Bane, cursing the weapon, and swearing to one day destroy it.
Words by Melvin Mathew
47. Laser Rapier (System Shock)

What is it? The Laser Rapier is a futuristic, glowing energy blade that resembles a sword or rapier but is composed of concentrated energy rather than metal.
Why we like it: Although System Shock contains several energy weapons, the Laser Rapier outperforms them all. Players frequently find the Laser Rapier to be a dependable and powerful choice, particularly in situations where projectile weapon ammo is limited. Its introduction in the game broadens the range of combat choices, enabling a more strategic approach to battles.
Words by Rishabh Sabarwal
46. Cappy (Mario Odyssey)

What is it? The magical hat from Super Mario Odyssey that lets Mario possess his foes, even letting you control a mighty T-Rex.
Why we like it: Cappy can be used to nab items or act as a temporary platform when jumping, but its true purpose is mind control. Cappy can possess characters, letting the player control them and gain access to their unique powers.
Cappy takes the clothes power-up system from Super Mario Bros. 3 to the next level. No longer are we restricted to Mario in a silly outfit. Instead, you could possess a Bullet Bill, Lakitu, a tank, a taxi, and even the mighty Bowser. These drastically expanded your gameplay options in a way that felt natural for the series.
There’s also the amazing level where you possess the T-Rex. Okay, it totally felt like it was made for the trailers, but it was still the highlight of one of the best Mario games.
Words by Scott Baird
45. Felo’melorn (World of Warcraft)

What is it? Also known as Flamestrike, Felo’melorn is a legendary Highborne rune blade tied to the Sunstrider Dynasty. It’s an immensely powerful magical weapon heavily associated with fire mages.
Why we like it: Out of all the iconic World of Warcraft weapons, Felo’melorn arguably has the most interesting background. It’s exceptionally powerful and appeared as one of the Artifact weapons in Legion.
Being tied to legendary characters like Dath’Remar Sunstrider and High King Anasterian Sunstrider, this flaming blade has popped up in a slew of important Warcraft lore moments.
It’s tied to the Scourge Invasion of Quel’Thalas, where Anasterian battled Arthas, managing to wound his steed Invincible before ultimately being defeated. Felo’melorn was broken by Frostmourne and ultimately recovered by Kael’thas, who reforged it and used it against the Lich King before it was lost to the frozen wastelands of Northrend.
Words by Em Stonham
44. Gold Scar (Fortnite)

What is it? Gold Scar is a legendary rarity Assault Rifle in Fortnite introduced in Chapter 1, known for its high damage output and controlled recoil.
Why we like it: The Gold Scar was one of Fortnite’s earliest powerful assault rifles, which players used for mid-range combat. The weapon was difficult to get during gameplay, but once players had it, they could swiftly destroy any opponent’s structure.
In-game upgrade benches allowed players to modify a regular Assault Rifle into a Gold Scar. The gun is incredibly stable when compared to other weapons in the same category.
Words by Rishabh Sabarwal
43. Poke Balls (Pokemon)

What is it? The iconic devices from the Pokemon games that allow trainers to catch the various pocket monsters.
Why we like it: Classifying Poke Balls as weapons may prove controversial, but it’s impossible to deny how iconic these contraptions are. You could show a non-fan a picture of a Poke Ball and they’ll probably be able to tell you what it is, which is more than you can say for more video game weapons and items.
Poke Balls are one of the main ways trainers interact with Pokemon, throwing them to send Pokemon into battle, capture new ones, or for some bonding time. While we’ll probably never know exactly how they work (or what goes on inside them), Poke Balls are essential for any trainer hoping to become the very best (like no one ever was).
Words by Noelle Corbett
42. Falchion (Fire Emblem)

What is it? A legendary sword wielded by various heroes in the Fire Emblem franchise.
Why we like it: This divine sword is one of the few recurring elements of the Fire Emblem franchise, and it’s no wonder why. Forged by the Divine Dragon Naga from one of her fangs, Falchion has proven pivotal for taking down evil forces in several worlds now.
Introduced in the original Fire Emblem, Marth uses Falchion to defeat the tyrannical Medeus. It also plays an important role in Awakening, where it’s used by Marth’s descendant, Chrom, and Chrom’s daughter, Lucina. Chrom and Robin eventually use the Exalted Falchion – powered up by the gems of the Fire Emblem – to seal away or destroy Grima.
Words by Noelle Corbett
41. Yamato (Devil May Cry)

What is it? Acting as a counter to the Rebellion, Vergil’s Yamato is all about precision, speed, and deception. It’s one of the only swords that’s known more for being sheathed than it is for being used, but that’s mostly because it kills most foes before they even see it.
Why we like it: Dante’s feud with his brother, Vergil, is what brought the DMC series back to life in the third entry. And the Yamato’s incredibly fast, diverse, and lethal move set is what made their final clash so special.
However, as future games allowed you to use the Yamato yourself, this sword turned out to feel even better in your own hands.
From Nero wielding it in DMC4 as a hint toward him being Vergil’s son to Vergil absolutely terrorizing the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 meta since launch and his fantastic move set in both DMC 4 and 5, the Yamato earns its spot as one of gaming’s most iconic and influential swords.
Words by Carver Fisher
40. Ellie’s gun (The Last of Us)

What is it? A pistol Ellie uses for protection in The Last of Us and The Last of Us: Left Behind
Why we like it: Ellie uses plenty of weapons throughout The Last of Us games, but her first pistol is a crucial part of her story. Given to her by Joel “for emergencies only,” Ellie uses the gun throughout the journey to keep herself and those she cares about safe.
Though other characters use a similar pistol—and she, of course, has an entire arsenal to choose from in The Last of Us Part 2 that includes even stronger weapons—this first gun helps Ellie endure and survive in a dark world of Clickers and monstrous humans.
Words by Noelle Corbett
39. Kitana’s War Fans (Mortal Kombat)

What is it? Kitana isn’t the only Mortal Kombat fighter to wield the iconic War Fans, which often appear as folding fans with sharp blades threaded between each rib. As hidden characters, both Jade and Khameleon made use of the weapons in MKII and Trilogy, respectively. Notably, the fans constitute the primary weapons Kitana wields for hand-to-hand combat and ranged battle.
Why we like it: Like every other Mortal Kombat character, Kitana uses her signature weapon to the fullest extent. The dual War Fans can prove especially devastating up close, given that she’ll slash at her foes in quick succession, then follow it up with a fan toss that functions as a fast-flying saw. Gravity-defying flutter maneuvers make the fans perfect for ground and air combos, too. Plus, various special moves allow Kitana to deal tons of damage. That developers continue to find interesting ways of incorporating the fans in Fatalities warrants a round of applause in and of itself.
Words by Brianna Reeves
38. Needler (Halo)

What is it? An alien pistol wielded by Halo’s Covenant faction, which embeds volatile shards in living tissue before detonating.
Why we like it: The Halo franchise has its fair share of legendary weapons, but few are as distinct, impactful, and just plain weird as the Covenant’s Needler pistol.
While never reaching for the real-tech fidelity of something like Call of Duty, Halo’s UNSC weaponry nevertheless feels like a plausible extension of modern-day hardware.
However, humanity is only one of Halo’s warring factions, and the Covenant’s weaponry is free to be more imaginative in its design. You can pop enemy heads with sniper rifles or blow them away up close with a shotgun, but neither compares to the joy of filling an opposing player full of glowing quills and watching them detonate in a glorious purple plume.
Words by Jack Bye
37. F.L.U.D.D. (Super Mario Sunshine)

What is it? The Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device is a water-shooting backpack and AI companion wielded by Mario in Super Mario Sunshine and the Super Smash Bros. Franchise.
Why we like it: Super Mario Sunshine is often thought of as a black sheep among the plumber’s 3D adventures. However, if you look past that somewhat unearned reputation, you’ll find a spectacular platformer with some innovative mechanics, most all of which are down to the F.L.U.D.D.
Eccentric inventor E.Gadd’s non-Poltergust brainchild, F.L.U.D.D. is both a trusty companion and an invaluable tool in cleaning up the sludge-ridden Isle Delfino. From its basic water-blasting mode to hover, jet-propeller, and rocket nozzles, F.L.U.D.D. far exceeds its humble design and becomes a source of varied power-ups. Years before PowerWash Simulator, F.L.U.D.D. did the impossible and made cleaning an engaging pillar of gameplay, and in Nintendo’s most treasured franchise, no less.
Words by Jack Bye
36. SPAS-12 (Modern Warfare 2)

What is it? A unique Italian shotgun with a design that has been featured in just about every shooter with a modern setting.
Why we like it: In real life, the SPAS-12’s unique selling point is its ability to switch between pump action and semi-auto. The video game world took a liking to its pump form, with the slower fire rate allowing developers to crank up its damage, creating both a lethal and incredibly satisfying shotgun in the process.
It has appeared in a lot of games, but none compare to its Modern Warfare 2 rendition, which was a powerful secondary that dominated multiplayer. To this day, it’s often considered the franchise’s best-ever shotgun, which is saying a lot, given how great they have been historically.
Words by Kurt Perry
35. Flashlight (Alan Wake)

What is it? Alan Wake’s trusty flashlight might be the most powerful in all of fiction. Able to shine a light on the darkness, quite literally destroying shadowy barriers protecting ominous threats, it’s your first line of defense against your nightmares.
Why we like it: A creative solution to a devilish problem. With frights lurking in darkness throughout both Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2 (not to mention the slightly more vibrant American Nightmare), having a light source at the ready is vital.
It’s not only a clever way to directly tie narrative themes to gameplay mechanics, but it’s an equally clever subversion of third-person shooter action. Rather than just mowing down enemies with any weapon you can pick up, you always have to think about light first and foremost, making the flashlight Alan’s best friend and one of our favorite weapons in all of gaming.
Words by Brad Norton
34. Dubstep Gun (Saints Row 4)

What is it? A truly one-of-a-kind weapon from Saints Row 4 that fires devastating energy pulses to the beat of dubstep.
Why we like it: The Dubstep Gun was an incredibly in-depth weapon, offering five different songs that changed how it fired, making them much more than just cool customization options. Furthermore, it was one of the most powerful weapons in the game when fully upgraded, capable of taking out any enemy or vehicle in just a few wubs.
This hilarious gun encapsulated exactly what Saints Row used to be all about – absurdity with the goal of fun and fun alone. The series may have since abandoned its roots, but this is a reminder of how great its nonsensical brilliance once was.
Words by Kurt Perry
33. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (Bayonetta)

What is it? Bayonetta’s a witch, and naturally, she’s got some magical weapons at her disposal. But, instead of a wand or a broom, she decided to go with two pairs of dual-wielded pistols. Wondering where she keeps the second pair? On her high heels.
Why we like it: Bayonetta’s signature ballet of bullets is almost as iconic as the character herself, with her killer heels being emblematic of her elegant lethality. Plus, they’re a joy to use.
From typical punches and kicks ended with gunshots all the way up to doing a handstand to shoot with her feet and breakdancing, these four weapons give you an incredibly diverse moveset.
There are very few games that give you a starter weapon so good that you can’t bring yourself to put it down, but Bayonetta’s pistols are worth holding onto for the entire game in all three mainline entries.
Not enough games out there allow you to clear a room by pirouetting with four pistols. Fortunately, Bayonetta exists.
Words by Carver Fisher
32. Vampire Killer (Castlevania)

What is it? The whip used by the Belmont family and its allies to slay the forces of evil, bringing even the mighty Dracula to heel.
Why we like it: It would have been easy for Konami to give the Castlevania series a generic anti-monster weapon, such as a wooden stake or a cross, but they chose a more inventive route, giving the world the Vampire Killer whip.
The Vampire Killer is unique among video game weapons for its functionality, with games like Super Castlevania IV giving you ultimate control over the whip’s movement, letting you strike enemies from all angles with precise button presses. You can even spin it to protect yourself from projectiles, in what has to be one of the coolest attacks on the SNES.
While many Castlevania games have gone the Metroidvania route, letting you find & use different weapons, it’s the Vampire Killer that fans still love. Alucard’s handsome face be damned.
Words by Scott Baird
31. Crucible (Doom)

What is it? The Crucible is a powerful energy weapon used by Doom Slayer in Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal (2020).
Why we like it: The Crucible is a crimson energy blade that gives off a frightening glare. Unlike conventional weapons in the game, it harnesses the raw energy of Hell, making it extremely powerful.
In gameplay, it is utilized to perform deadly melee attacks that can instantly kill even the most powerful monsters. The weapon’s restricted use per charge adds a strategic aspect, pushing players to use it sparingly during vital moments.
However, the Crucible adds a lovely legendary touch to Doom’s demon-slaying escapades, which are fulfilling when he dismembers an adversary, thanks to Doom’s push-forward gameplay and the use of Doom Slayer’s OP weaponry.
Words by Rishabh Sabarwal
30. Kung Lao’s Hat (Mortal Kombat)

What is it? The razor-rimmed hat joined Kung Lao in his first Mortal Kombat appearance in 1993’s MKII. In addition to completing his trademark look, the hat also doubles as the character’s primary weapon of choice as it can be thrown like a chakram.
Why we like it: While Kung Lao’s Hat Throw attacks have maintained some semblance of simplicity since the Mortal Kombat II days, they evolved to incorporate the likes of a buzzsaw-esque maneuver. The razor-rimmed hat additionally takes center stage in the Shaolin Monk’s most memorable Fatalities, slicing foes in half, cutting them into pieces, and, again, taking on the form of a buzzsaw. How much or how little control Kung Lao has over the weapon remains a mystery, but it always finds its way back to him.
Words by Brianna Reeves
29. Diamond Sword (Minecraft)

What is it? The Diamond Sword was the strongest weapon in Minecraft before being overthrown by the Mace. This weapon is the icon of the popular survival game and showcases one of the most loved titles in gaming history.
Why we like it: Sure, the Netherite sword and Mace are now the strongest and best weapons in Minecraft – but nothing beats the classic Diamond Sword. For many players, their sword has seen multiple fierce battles with Skeletons, Zombies, a surprise Creeper, or even the Ender Dragon itself.
Regardless of its current status, it’s hard to deny how truly iconic the Diamond Sword really is. From the joy you have, while making it to the bragging right you have while wielding it, nothing quite beats the feeling of having this weapon by your side in
Words by Jess Filby
28. The Blue Shell (Mario Kart)

What is it? The Blue Shell is seen in Mario Kart. When deployed, it will fly over the heads of racers, and land directly on the first-place player, spinning them out and causing both chaos, and the occasional rage.
Why we like it: The Blue Shell is often considered the most hated item in Mario Kart. Since 1996, skilled racers have feared its appearance, with many having a story of the item knocking them from first place to last just before the finish line.
The inability to fully avoid your fate, the soul-crushing loss that follows, or the betrayal of a friend using it against you all proves just how iconic and how frustrating the Blue Shell really is. Not all weapons have to kill your enemy; sometimes, it can be the worst thing you see or the best item you’ve ever used.
Words by Jess Filby
27. ICA Briefcase (Hitman 2)

What is it? A briefcase that allows you to store an item inside to smuggle around, which can also be thrown like a weapon.
Why we like it: The briefcase was one of the most notable additions to Hitman 2 when it launched in 2018. As the world’s greatest assassin, it made all the difference in the world by being able to take a large illegal item and smuggle it into a secure area.
You have to remember Hitman is also a comedy game at its heart. Yeeting a briefcase at some dude’s head from across the room is still very funny, even after you’ve done it for the 100th time.
To add more fuel to the fire, the famous “Homing Briefcase” glitch caused it to fly a lot slower than intended, creating some hilarious situations. While IO Interactive eventually fixed the bug, the slower-than-intended speed was added in a later patch as a special briefcase.
Words by Olly Smith
26. Soul Edge (Soul Calibur)

What is it? The Soul Edge, in many ways, defines the Soul Calibur series. As the sword jumps from host to host and spawns new Nightmares along the way, this weapon is a living, breathing part of this universe.
Why we like it: Despite Soul Calibur being a relatively niche series, the Soul Edge is an unshakeable staple in gaming. Its menacing design, with an eye in its hilt, really conveys the idea that this sword is a living, evolving being.
The tale of Seigfried’s struggle with Nightmare is a tragic one, and despite the sword being shattered into pieces, it still makes its way back to him in Soul Calibur 6. There are few storylines that have lasted for over 2 decades in gaming, but the Soul Edge is on that list as one of the most unforgettable swords in gaming.
Words by Carver Fisher
25. Warglaives of Azzinoth (World of Warcraft)

What is it? A duo of legendary, crescent-shaped glaives tied to the fan-favorite character Illidan Stormrage.
Why we like it: Also known as the Twin Blades of Azzinoth, these legendary glaives are some of the most highly sought-after weapons in World of Warcraft’s collector and transmog community.
The glaives were the first legendary weapons to be introduced into World of Warcraft. Previously wielded by Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer, these iconic glowing green weapons cross multiple Warcraft titles and are important to the franchise lore, making them one of the most instantly recognizable items in the game.
Words by Em Stonham
24. Golden Gun (Golden Eye 007)

What is it? The Golden Gun is the most powerful gun in the Nintendo 64 classic Golden Eye 007.
Why we like it: Golden Eye 007 is one of the most important games in the first-person shooter genre. While in a modern world, the game’s controls are a little clunky, it was a massive step forward to getting the genre on consoles. It did all that with the oddity that was the Nintendo 64 controller too.
The James Bond game came with a whole host of iconic guns that will bring back nostalgic memories for anyone who has fond memories of playing four-player split-screen way back in the day. However, no gun was as iconic as the game’s Golden Gun. This ludicrously powerful pistol was a one-hit kill on anyone it hit. Obviously, it had a small magazine with a slow fire rate, and it could be tricky to aim, but with some mastery, you would take over lobbies as you killed your friends before they could even react.
Words by Patrick Dane
23. Moonlight Greatsword (Dark Souls)

What is it? This is an iconic weapon from the original Dark Souls that was obtained after cutting off Seath the Scaless’ tail. This weapon has multiple iterations across all Souls games by FromSoftware, but we are primarily focused on the one from the original Dark Souls.
Why we like it: The Moonlight Greatsword in the original Dark Souls is a staple for intelligence builds. Intelligence users are casters, but there are times when enemies will dodge your attacks. Additionally, in Dark Souls 1, your spell count is limited, which means it will run out unless you rest at a bonfire. The Moonlight Greatsword solves that problem as it can deal massive magic damage to enemies depending on your intelligence level. The weapon can be fired from a distance which helps you to stay at a safe distance from bosses.
Additionally, the projectile from the Moonlight Greatsword goes through blocks. This means if an enemy is blocking the beam from the weapon will go through and hit a wall behind, allowing you to deal chip damage, which will come in handy against bosses with shields or in PvP.
Words by Rishov Mukherjee
22. Rebellion (Devil May Cry)

What is it? The Rebellion is Dante’s trusty sword across every Devil May Cry game other than the first one, though it’s seen a number of evolutions and upgrades over the years.
Why we like it: It’s always had that bony, rib-cage-like structure at the hilt, along with an unreasonably large blade. The mix of demonic imagery and impracticality is a perfect fit for a series hell-bent on being edgy enough to cut you and awe-inspiring enough to bring you right back in after.
Considering Dante’s revolving arsenal across every DMC game, having a static weapon like this that sticks with him for years makes it hard to shake the feeling of the Rebellion being ol’ reliable. Not to mention Dante’s signature sword spin.
DMC2 is the game that introduced this weapon to the series, which means we can finally say something good came out of Devil May Cry 2 being released. Nice!
Words by Carver Fisher
21. M16 (Modern Warfare)

What is it? A legendary assault rifle that has been featured in a huge variety of video games, with its three-round burst variants being the most recognizable of all.
Why we like it: The M16 is a real-world gun that has been featured in more video games than we could ever name. From Call of Duty to Left 4 Dead to Battlefield and even The Last of Us, if you’ve played a game with guns, it probably had an M16 in it.
However, its standout appearance was without a doubt in the original Modern Warfare, where the M16 completely dominated. Its ability to consistently kill enemy players in a single burst made it not only the best weapon in that game but also one of the strongest guns in Call of Duty history.
Words by Kurt Perry
20. Intervention (Modern Warfare 2)

What is it? Whether you’re a Call of Duty player or not, if you’ve been on the internet in the last 15 years, you have probably seen the Intervention in some capacity.
Why we like it: The iconic sniper rifle from Modern Warfare 2 spawned a whole generation of YouTubers, with the likes of FaZe Clan and OpTic Gaming thriving with the bolt-action weapon in their hands, becoming a fan-favorite gun that’s still spoken about among players years after its release.
Not only that but if you’ve seen the MLG memes of the early 2010s, you’ll have seen the Intervention in action frequently, picking off opponents with haste. It is probably the most recognizable gun in the history of the most popular FPS ever, a must-have for this list.
Words by Jacob Hale
19. Ray Gun (Call of Duty)

What is it? A Sci-fi energy weapon that every Call of Duty Zombies player will be all too familiar with,
Why we like it: Far before jetpacks came to Call of Duty, franchise veterans had already gotten their hands on a powerful sci-fi weapon, the Ray Gun. Debuting in World At War and appearing in every Zombies since, the Ray Gun remains the most recognizable gun in the franchise.
Its shots not only deal a ton of damage but also hit multiple targets, making this perfect for wiping out legions of zombies with ease. The Ray Gun becomes even stronger when Pack-a-Punched, fulfilling its true potential as a zombie slaying machine. Given its vast legacy, the Ray Gun is certain to appear in Black Ops 6 later this year, and we can’t wait.
Words by Kurt Perry
18. Blink Dagger (DotA 2)

What is it? The Blink Dagger is an item from the DotA 2 Base Shop that allows players to teleport up to 1200 units away when used. It’s a crescent-shaped dagger that can have a huge in-game impact.
Why we like it: First appearing in the original DotA and taking inspiration from Warcraft 3, the Blink Dagger is a staple in the DotA 2 community.
It’s not the flashiest item, but in the hands of a myriad of dedicated players, its lethal competitive potential is unlocked. DotA 2 players need to be quick on their (digital) feet when playing a match, and proper positioning can help to secure a win. The Blink Dagger can help to close distances quickly and easily, allowing players to hunt down their enemies and gain an advantage when entering combat.
Words by Em Stonham
17. Blasphemous Blade (Elden Ring)

What is it? Blasphemous Blade is a weapon from Elden Ring that can be claimed as a reward for defeating the boss Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. This weapon’s skill releases a blast of fire that travels in the direction of the cast and deals fire damage.
Why we like it: While playing a Soulslike game, you are always looking for weapons to make the game easier. Blasphemous blade is the exact weapon to do that; its blast of fire can deal heavy damage at short and long ranges.
As a final note, Blasphemous Blade is not just good against bosses but also against basic mobs. In fact, if you use Rykard’s Great Rune, every time you defeat an enemy, you will heal! This weapon is also very good in subsequent runs and will carry you through multiple NG+ iterations.
Words by Rishov Mukherjee
16. Assault Rifle (Halo)

What is it? Ah, the humble Assault Rifle, a Halo staple that’s been around since 2001’s Combat Evolved. Its signature ammo counter may not make it the most practical weapon ever, but that silhouette is unmistakable.
Why we like it: As the first-person shooter evolved, Halo felt like one of the first games to really bring the genre into the future. Though their previous efforts in Marathon were based in a futuristic setting, Halo dragged the genre into a new age.
And, though the Magnum is another noteworthy weapon that’s been with the series for ages, Halo’s Assault Rifle is inarguably its most iconic firearm.
It may not be the most powerful or unique gun, but it’s been a consistent staple in every game and acts as a jack of all trades that’ll never fail you.
Words by Carver Fisher
15. Blades of Chaos (God of War)

What is it? Presented to Kratos by Ares as a token of his allegiance to the Greek Pantheon, the Blades of Chaos became a reflection of Kratos at his worst. The chains were burned into the flesh of his arms for a time, while the blades themselves were used to wreak havoc across Greece – and eventually eliminate the very deities their wielder once served.
Why we like it: God of War’s chained blades have myriad uses, coming in handy for ranged attacks, close-quarters combat, and navigation. And they’ve long proven an essential part of what makes the original games work so well as a hack-and-slash experience.
Kratos has full momentum with the Blades of Chaos equipped, after all, slashing through and around enemies on the ground, then effortlessly juggling them in midair for combos that can last for hundreds of hits. Though they don’t serve the exact same purpose in newer installments, Kratos’ trademark weapons have helped him strike down a fair few Norse Gods and monsters to the delight of franchise faithful.
Words by Brianna Reeves
14. Plasma Cutter (Dead Space)

What is it? An engineering tool repurposed into a precision limb removal weapon that’s saved Isaac Clarke’s bacon from the Necromorphs more times than he cares to count.
Why we like it: Rather than lean on the tired shmup trope of ‘headshots do more damage’, Visceral decided to subvert how players were rewarded for their precision aim in Dead Space.
Necromorphs are gangly little sh*ts, and their elongated limbs just so happen to be tipped with razor-sharp protrusions. They can’t be put down with one bullet to the noggin. The next best thing? Amputation.
Dead Space asks you to make a series of reflexive choices whenever you encounter an enemy based on their threat level and visual danger cues. It’s puzzle-solving, one surgical limb removal at a time.
Words by Joe Pring
13. Noob Tube/Grenade Launcher (Modern Warfare 2)

What is it? Modern Warfare 2’s Noob Tube wasn’t actually an individual weapon itself, but instead, an attachment that could be put on an assault rifle, but it was so powerful and prevalent that it became a legend of the franchise by default.
Why we like it: You couldn’t load into a MW2 lobby without having someone spawn in and immediately fire off their two noob tubes into the enemy spawn, especially in modes like Domination as players attempt to grab their home flag.
The real power behind the Grenade Launcher, though, was that you could pair it with the One Man Army perk to simply reload your entire loadout and start tubing across the map once again.
Words by Jacob Hale
12. Leviathan Axe (God of War)

What is it? The Leviathan Axe is a weapon forged by the dwarves Brok and Sindri, specifically meant to rival the legendary Mjölnir. While the dwarves made it for Faye, Kratos’ wife, Kratos carried it after her passing, as it served as the God of War’s primary weapon throughout the Norse era.
Why we like it: God of War’s original trilogy features the Blades of Chaos, which is a legendary weapon in and of itself. God of War (2018) introduces the Leviathan Axe, which is not only an iconic weapon in its own right but also surpasses the Blades of Chaos in numerous ways.
The ability to throw your weapon wherever you want and have it return to you like Thor’s hammer is every gamer’s dream. This mechanic, paired with God of War’s brutal combat, lets the player experiment with enemies in numerous ways. Additionally, the DualShock controller lets you feel every grab of the axe as it returns to you with a thud.
Words by Melvin Mathew
11. Magnum (Halo)

What is it? A powerful handgun from Halo that rewards precision with massive damage, proving particularly potent in the hands of a skilled player.
Why we like it: Back in Halo’s infancy, the Magnum reigned supreme in Combat Evolved. It served as a pocket DMR that could down a foe in just three shots, resulting in an absurdly fast kills. Later versions weren’t as strong but retained the pistol’s iconic appearance and overall punchy feel.
Its legacy continued to grow over time, eventually establishing itself as one of Bungie’s most iconic weapons. This led to its appearance in Destiny’s 30th Anniversary as the Forerunner, a reimagined Magnum that is just as devastating as its predecessor that defined an entire era of FPS gaming.
Words by Kurt Perry
10. Portal Gun (Portal)

What’s it about: Portal Gun is the only tool players are equipped with in Portal and Portal 2 that helps you shoot two portals. You can shoot a blue portal and an orange portal. Anything going in either of these portals comes out of the other portal. The Portal Gun is mostly used to solve puzzles or defeat bosses (the one the game has, at least).
Why we like it: At the heart of the Portal series is the Portal Gun itself, without which the game can’t function. What sets this weapon apart is just how flexible you can be with it which allows for really creative ways the gun can be used.
Since the game has no fall damage, you can open up two portals in two totally absurd places to reach locations you couldn’t otherwise. However, the main draw of the Portal Gun is to solve puzzles, which is done by making full use of the environment. This makes up for interesting ways to tackle a puzzle, especially when playing in co-op.
Words by Melvin Mathew
9. Gjallarhorn (Destiny)

What is it? An iconic Exotic Rocket Launcher from Destiny that empowers other rockets with powerful cluster missiles.
Why we like it: What is Destiny’s most iconic weapon? Some players might suggest Thorn, others Last Word, and even Ace of Spades is a great shout. But amongst these renowned Hand Cannons is a Rocket Launcher that has dominated the meta way back since the second week of Destiny 1, Gjallarhorn.
With its powerful and unique effect, stylish appearance, and legendary legacy, Gjallarhorn is everything an Exotic weapon should be. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Bungie brought it back for their 30th anniversary, as no other weapon defines Destiny more than this.
Words by Kurt Perry
8. Buster Sword (Final Fantasy)

What is it?: Buster Sword is Cloud Strife’s main weapon in Final Fantasy VII and has been said to be passed down upon a generation of warriors.
Why we like it: The Buster Sword is one of the most recognizable weapons in the Final Fantasy series and is most commonly associated with Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII. This massive, broad-bladed sword’s sheer size and odd shape make it instantly identifiable.
The sword represents a lineage of courage and sacrifice, and its striking design has helped it gain cultural recognition among enthusiasts. Swinging the sword smashes foes at once and strikes players with savage force, in contrast to Cloud’s own stature.
It makes the Final Fantasy gameplay far more satisfying. Because of its popularity, countless fans have used the Buster Sword in cosplay, and it remains iconic to this day.
Words by Rishabh Sabarwal
7. Master Sword (The Legend of Zelda)

What is it? An ancient sword of varying origins, the Master Sword is the only weapon capable of harming Ganondorf’s various incarnations and Link’s signature weapon.
Why we like it: Nintendo loves its recurring motifs, and the Master Sword is unquestionably one of its most iconic. Appearing in almost every Zelda game, Link’s quest to obtain the artifact unfailingly represents a highlight of each game.
Boasting unique properties – laser beams, projectiles, time travel, you name it – it’s a Swiss army knife of the Zelda universe and an integral component of Link’s title as holder of the Triforce of Courage. The Master Sword is a best-in-class representation of how to deliver video game upgrades without relying on RPG stat sheets and a “number go higher” mentality.
Words by Joe Pring
6. Gravity Gun (Half-Life 2)

What is it? A tool used to freely move or fire heavy objects around the world by manipulating gravity. The gun isn’t only used in combat, though, but is also invaluable in solving puzzles.
Why we like it: Powered by the Source Engine, Half-Life 2’s physics were revolutionary for the time, and the Gravity Gun became a crucial aspect of the game’s fun factor. With it, anything becomes a weapon. You can throw a toilet with the force of a moving train. Or pull up a wooden pallet to use as a shield against gunfire. The possibilities were endless.
In particular, what makes the Gravity Gun so interesting is you’re the only person in the Half-Life universe with one. You’re using this mysterious, powerful weapon against armies with guns. It’d be like if you took Harry Potter’s wand and added it to Call of Duty.
Words by Olly Smith
5. BFG (Doom)

What is it? The BFG 9000, or Big F***ing Gun, has appeared in several id Software games, though it’s best known as a high-powered Doom weapon that blasts green plasma balls. Id introduced the gun in Doom’s 1993 debut, and versions of it have appeared in every major release since then, including Doom 64.
Why we like it: Easily the most formidable weapon in the Doom series, the BFG’s energy blasts deal enough damage to obliterate hordes of demons easily. Players can also count on it to hold its own during boss battles. The gun’s incredibly slow rate of fire constitutes the biggest drawback; ammo isn’t always readily available, either. However, having the BFG in the Doom Slayer’s arsenal is never a bad idea, especially when the fight against demonic forces starts getting a little too hectic.
Words by Brianna Reeves
4. Energy Sword (Halo)

What is it? The Halo franchise’s standout melee weapon is a blade generated from plasma that allows players to perform a sudden, lethal lunge forward.
Why we like it: The Energy Sword is arguably the most iconic Covenant weapon in the whole Halo franchise. It sits at the perfect intersection of the games’ interests: operatic military sci-fi and pulpy, fun-first FPS.
The Energy Sword is the main weapon of the Sangheili Elites, and their silhouette is instantly recognizable when paired with the double-bladed, deadly alien tool. At once graceful and slightly goofy, the Energy Sword’s insta-kill capabilities have made it a fan-favorite across the whole franchise. A lone player equipped with one is a must-kill menace, but countless sword-only matches have seen Halo players engaged in tense, hilarious duels.
Words by Jack Bye
3. Lancer (Gears of War)

What is it? Gears of War’s Lancer is a bog-standard assault rifle but with a chainsaw Frankensteined right onto the front of the weapon.
Why we like it: In the time since GoW’s release in 2006, the Lancer has become one of the most iconic weapons in video games. It serves as a universal symbol of Gears of War’s brutality and over-the-top levels of grit.
This series is gory and violent, almost to the point of satire. The Lancer melds that aesthetic with the militaristic themes in the Gears series in a way that’s made this gun attached to the franchise at the hip.
Though seasoned Gears veterans may have more experience wall-bouncing with a Gnasher in hand to rack up kills in multiplayer, the Lancer is undoubtedly the poster child for this series.
Words by Carver Fisher
2. Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts)

What is it? Key-shaped weapons wielded by many chosen characters in the Kingdom Hearts franchise, most notably the main protagonist, Sora.
Why we like it: The Keyblade is a product of the Kingdom Hearts series’ oversized, utterly sincere aesthetics, initially straddling the unexpected mix of Disney and Final Fantasy before carving out its own unique identity. While its basic form is instantly recognizable, the real fun of the Keyblade comes from its endlessly changing forms.
Keychains are collected throughout many Kingdom Hearts entries, allowing the weapon to take on aspects of every world and step of the journey Sora and friends have undertaken. The Keyblade is the perfect summation of why Kingdom Hearts has birthed so many dedicated fans, serving as a tool by which beloved stories can be saved and a memento of this world-hopping saga exploring the bonds forged between friends.
Words by Jack Bye
1. Hidden Blade (Assassin’s Creed)

What is it? The Hidden Blade is best used in Assassin’s Creed by its aforementioned protagonists. The blade itself is hidden in a brace across the Assassin’s arm and pierces out through where their left ring finger used to be, killing the target without being noticed.
Why we like it: The Hidden Blade is an iconic piece of kit spanning across every Assassin’s Creed game. Throughout its 17 years of existence, the weapon hasn’t changed too much, proving the saying, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ does indeed work with weapons from the 1500s (and earlier).
To truly become an iconic weapon, it must be instantly recognizable by both fans of the franchise and otherwise, and that’s exactly what the Hidden Blade achieves. Assassin’s outfits and swords can come and go, but no kit is truly complete without the classic stealth blade.
Words by Jess Filby
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