Overwatch 2 art unveils nightmarish Wrecking Ball skin ever and it could become real

New concept art in a Blizzard survery for Overwatch 2 included a nightmarish-looking Wrecking Ball skin, which gets even worse the longer you look at it.
Overwatch 2 has just released a new wave of survey skins, as revealed by Overwatch Cavalry via a post on X. Much like previous survey skins, these come in various themes for different characters on the roster, starting from Wedding Formal, to Dark Medieval, 8-bit, and so on.
Included in one of these are skins related to Overwatch 2’s community memes. This particular line-up makes the game’s fan-favorite Winton meme real, while Genji rocks an outfit that screams I need healing. Wrecking Ball also gets his own skin, but not in a way you’d probably think.
Normally, we’d see Hammond rocking a mech that suits the theme of his skin, like his anniversary 8-ball skin, which is modeled after an eight-ball from any old pool table.
Instead, this skin line has the hamster wearing something much more nightmarish-looking up close—a mech of his own face. To top it off, the openings of his cannons look like little paws, adding more to the nightmare fuel effect.
That’s not all, though. Take a look closer at the hamster’s face, and you’ll see that it has been replaced with what looks like Winston’s face—”Hampton,” as one user described it in the comments. Others even labeled it as the “Cursed Hammond,” seeing its appearance.
On the other hand, one user went as far as mentioning: “Imagine a combo of the two skins, we get Winton, but it’s Hammond in cursed Hammond mech. Imagine seeing Winton squeak menacingly and do all the wacky stuff Ball does in his highlight intros, all while riding such a cursed ball.”
Seeing as this is part of the survey skins, it could become real if the community demands it. Either way, seeing these new concepts is always interesting, even though there’s no telling which ones will actually make it to the game.