Overwatch 2 quietly changes “Gotcha” achievement

One perceptive Overwatch 2 fan discovered that Blizzard adjusted a Cole Cassidy achievement, making it easier to get than before.
The Gotcha trophy now asks players to kill an enemy that’s hindered by Cassidy’s Flashbang with a headshot, either during Quick or Competitive Play. Beforehand, it would require getting two kills with Flashbang.
While it’s not clear when exactly Blizzard implemented this change, the recent Season 12 patch notes mentioned fixing a bug where the same achievement wasn’t being awarded properly.
One player noticed this subtle change while browsing Overwatch 2 trophies on their PlayStation 5. After sharing the discovery on Reddit, the replies were divided on the change.
For some, including a player who said they had “just got the achievement after ages” right before the developers modified it, the change came too late. Fortunately, they still have the achievement; it just means other players will have an easier time getting it moving forward.
Other commenters hoped this trophy update would start a pattern for other Hero trophies, as one player mentioned “Okay if they’re changing achievements they’d better adjust Bap’s.”
Although did not mention a specific achievement, based on the conversations that led from the reply, they probably meant “Window of Opportunity.” Players can get it by amplifying 2,000 combined damage and healing without dying as Baptiste.
While Gotcha has a 10.9% unlock rate on PlayStation, just 0.93% of players on the same platform have unlocked Window of Opportunity, making it a good contender for an update.
On the other hand, some players were confused about why this adjustment was required in the first place. “Every average class player should do this at least once per game,” one response stated.
Another commenter said they felt like they achieved this two to three times per game whenever playing as the DPS Hero Cassidy, wondering why it was considered “Very rare” on PlayStation.
Blizzard may quietly modify achievements through Overwatch 2’s lifecycle, so keep a lookout when trophy hunting. After all, Blizzard is no stranger to adding new details to its game.