Destiny 2’s new surprise Exotic mission plagued with game-breaking bugs

Encore: Overture, Destiny 2’s newest exotic mission, has been released with a myriad of game-breaking bugs. These bugs have resulted in the game soft locking and incorrect loot distribution.
Destiny 2 has just released its newest exotic mission for its Echoes episode. These exotic missions are often the pinnacle of the content cycle, serving as the most challenging content for Guardians to overcome, all with a neat new exotic on the line for those capable of doing so.
Some of the best exotic weapons have come from these missions, including Whisper of the Worm, Outbreak Perfected, and Still Hunt, which were all meta-defining upon their respective releases.
However, the newest addition to this list caused quite a stir within the community, thanks to a wide array of bugs that made the mission extremely challenging to complete.
Guardians are rushing to social media to explain how one of the bosses can fail to spawn a second crystal, this just leaves a bunch of adds endlessly spawning, with no way to progress the boss fight. The only way forward from here is to jump off the map, forcing you to wipe and start from the encounter’s beginning.
“Anyone else having the issue that the 2nd Crystal doesn’t spawn at all? Either I’ve messed it up, but since I’ve tempered with the pillar and activated all fields I assume Bungo built in a new ‘feature’” one player asked.
What makes this even worse is there’s no guarantee that the boss won’t do the same thing the next attempt. This means you could be trapped in the encounter permanently, endlessly wiping in the hopes that the boss might become targetable like one player on the forums.
“So far I have encountered this bug at every attempt of the encounter, twice during the 1st damage phase, and once during the second. Every time I have encountered it, I have had to wipe and try again.”

Others reported that dying with the Vex Module in hand would cause you to lose it forever, and your Guardian would spawn in a zone asking you for a different one. This leaves you trapped in a zone with no way forward, as you can’t progress without the right Module and you have nowhere to use your current one.
According to players, the only way you can surpass this issue is by completely resetting your run, potentially wasting a full hour of your time.
Despite the issues, Guardians can still get their hands on the new Choir of One exotic weapon. But many have advised that you go incredibly slowly, and be cautious how you proceed.