Destiny 2 Solstice Bow dominates PvE with one of a kind perk combo

Solstice 2024 is live in Destiny 2, and this year’s version of the looter shooter’s annual summer event has added a Combat Bow that rolls a particularly powerful perk combo.
In addition to reissuing all of the event’s older weapons, Solstice also added Fortunate Star, a Void Bow that looks to be one of the strongest in its archetype.
As a Lightweight Bow, this newcomer doesn’t have a meta frame, but that hardly matters as it gets access to an incredible perk combination: Archer’s Tempo and Kill Clip. In fact, it is the only Bow to roll both of these perks together, making it a truly one of a kind weapon.
Here’s the Fortunate Star god roll you’ll want to farm before Solstice ends on August 27:
- Bowstring: Tactile String
- Arrow: Fiberglass Arrow Shaft
- Perk 1: Archer’s Tempo
- Perk 2: Kill Clip

Kill Clip boosts damage by 25% if you reload after landing a final blow. This is usually outclassed in PvE by the likes of One For All, Surrounded, and Swashbuckler, but this perk is incredible on a Combat Bow. You automatically reload between shots while using a Bow, so Kill Clip provides a 25% damage boost without any extra effort.
However, Kill Clip alone isn’t exclusive to Fortunate Star, with Whistler’s Whim also rolling it. What makes the Solstice Bow superior is that it can also get Archer’s Tempo in the other column.
Archer’s Tempo is a meta utility perk that increases the draw time of Bows by 25%. All you have to do to trigger this is deal precision damage, which you’d be doing anyway as Bows rely on enemy weak spots to be competitive. Essentially, both of these perks require no additional effort to use properly, yet they drastically improve Fortunate Star’s performance.
Even better, these can be enhanced. When enhanced, Archer’s Tempo lasts 4 seconds and Kill Clip lasts 5.5 seconds, giving both increased uptime and making them more forgiving. It’s not a massive difference, but even slight improvements are huge on a weapon that was already fantastic beforehand.
While farming Fortunate Star, you are bound to encounter the event’s other weapons. Check out every Solstice 2024 god roll to know what to look out for, as well as which meta Destiny 2 PvE weapons to use to make grinding the event as efficient as possible.