Pokemon Go players convinced the shop is changing price based on their wallet

A new theory surrounding the prices of boxes in Pokemon Go has left players absolutely astounded, with some believing the devs are charging them different prices based on the amount of coins they have.
Pokemon Go is a game all about catching, collecting, and upgrading your various buddies. All of this is done by roaming around the real world, interacting with landmarks, and participating in battles.
These can all reward you with goodies like PokeBalls and Insulators, which are all key to continuing your trainer journey. Some of these items can be found in the boxes available in the store, which offer discounts since you’re buying them in bulk.
However, it seems these discounts might be a bit more deceiving than what players originally thought. A player has brought forward the idea that their shop prices keep mysteriously changing, depending on how many PokeCoins they have on hand.
As showcased by callmecalcifer on Reddit, they claimed the box prices were changing based on the amount of coins they had at the given moment.
“I have noticed recently that when I have coins the boxes often adjust to stay more coins than I currently have. Maybe it’s only anecdotal but that’s messed up if it’s true.”
This post roused a fair bit of suspicion among the community, with some even slamming the practice as “illegal”.
“Every box having a different price for every player, seems so illegal,” one user argued.
“Right!? It seems so disturbing it gives me the ick,” another agreed.
Others dove into the comment to share their own experience, many posting screenshots of their differently priced items.
“I guess I don’t even deserve discounts,” one user solemnly cried, not having any discounts on their boxes.
While the most hardcore of trainers might not have a problem with this, the more free-to-play and casual players can only gain a limited supply of PokeCoins, making the increased prices a tougher ask.