This overpowered Pokemon can carry you through Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet aren’t known for their brutal difficulty, which is why it’s possible for a single ‘mon to carry you through the game with minimal effort.
Technically, you can blitz through any Pokemon game’s story mode with ease, even using something like Magikarp. If you’re patient enough to grind levels in the tall grass, you can reach level 90 and crush the Pokemon League beneath your heel.
However, throwing away precious seconds of your life to over-level a glorified bug isn’t necessary for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, as the game gives you the tools to complete the single-player content without breaking a sweat.
Users on the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Reddit are discussing the ‘mons that carried them in the story, with the author mentioning a surprising candidate: Slaking. While the slacking Pokemon has amazing stats, it’s let down by the Truant Ability, which forces it to skip every other turn.
While Slaking might seem like an odd choice on the surface, it bears mentioning that it’s a great Hyper Beam and Giga Impact user, as it can recharge in the turn it’s loafing around.
The fact that Pokemon Scarlet & Violet forces you to have the Switch option on (where you’re always given the choice to swap when KO’ing an opponent), means you can also switch Slaking out during its recharge turn, so you can bring it back fresh in a later round.
Other users in the thread nominated different ‘Mons that carried them. “My starter, like in every Pokemon game I play,” one user wrote, with many claiming that Skeledirge was their MVP, thanks to its ridiculous Special Attack and powerful attacks.
The two other most common candidates were the notoriously OP Annihilape, which has often been cited as the best Raid Pokemon in the game, and the hammer-wielding Tinkaton, with its amazing typing and moveset.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet might be the easiest entries in the series, due to the sheer number of Pokemon options and items you get. Then again, the franchise is intended for kids, who might not be playing as optimally as an adult. They’ll need as much as they can get, while the original PokeManiacs can skirt by with a single giant gorilla.