College students report friend missing after she falls asleep in random dorm

During freshman year of their college experience, a group of students became best friends after one fell asleep in the other’s dorm room and was reported missing.
Getting lost on a college campus isn’t uncommon. But when it happens, it’s always a good idea to check in with your friends and let them know what’s happening.
However, during their freshman year at the University of Delaware, one student was reported missing by her friends after she didn’t return to her dorm from a night out.
What’s more, the college student wandered into a random room and fell asleep in another girl’s bed.
When the students who actually lived in said dorm opened their door, they were shocked to see the unknown girl passed out in their bed.
Maya, one of the girls who found the student, took to TikTok to share the story, exposing her as they lay asleep in her bed.
Gobsmacked by the odd scenario, viewers then asked for more details, to which Maya responded.
“Basically, we let her sleep there. But we woke up at, like, 7:00 AM to this message from our school,” the TikToker said as she shared the mass text sent to everyone on their college campus.
“Then we kinda started freaking out, so we woke her up and she jumped up. She was really really scared,” she added.
Maya and her roommate ultimately made the lost student call her friends to make them aware that she was ok, but only after she charged her dead phone.
The TikToker then took the girl to the police department to assure them she was found.
The kicker? Maya and the student, who she didn’t know until they passed out in her bed, became best friends after the fact.
Viewers of the viral story reacted in shock but agreed it was an “iconic” start to their friendship.
Others applauded Maya and her roommate for being accommodating, adding that they were “good humans” for caring for her.
While making friends with someone who passed out in your bed doesn’t happen to many people, it’s not the only way to become friendly with other students.
Joining Greek life is also a way many college students befriend others, making for good times and lifelong relationships.